Useful Information

Wolfram Alpha's online calculator that does a lot more than just graph: try typing in any kind of math at all. Or chemistry. Or biology. Or type in the name of a city. Have fun with it!

Great online graphing calculator from Desmos to use: plot functions, plot a table of values, and more. Explore!

If you need a quick graph, you can also type in the equation with "y=" into Google!

Ever need help with math? These videos from Khan Academy usually do a good job of explaining procedure, but their explanations of "why?" are sometimes lacking. Scroll down to the math videos and search for the topic you want: basically everything you could ever want to review is here.

How to write professional emails:

Email is increasingly the preferred method of contact for many professional settings. It is crucial that when you email someone in a professional context (including emailing magistri at TBLS) you should follow some simple email etiquette rules to convey a sense of professionalism. It's far too easy for a sloppily written email to reflect poorly on you.

Professional emails...

1) ...are not the same as Facebook. Use proper spelling, grammar, capital letters, punctuation, etc. Do not use chat language (i.e., "lol"). For the most part, write in the style of a final paper you would hand in for English class.

2) ...have an appropriate (short, to the point) subject line, have a greeting ("Dear Mr. Lao,"), have a succinct and nonoffensive body (where you explain your request, question, comment, etc.) and have a closing ("Sincerely, Student").

3) ...use a sensible font and color (black), in an appropriate size (like this size now).

4) ...shortly introduce yourself, as it is not always clear from whom the email is originating just from the address, especially if it is your first time emailing this person.

5) ...come from a professional email address. "firstname.lastname@whereever" or slight variations thereof are standard and professional (for example, For professional use (like emailing teachers, or professors, or colleges, or employers, etc.) it is unfavorable for you to have an email address like "rappaboi14" or "cutiepie12".