1/29 - 2/12: Number Theory 1 (divisibility, prime numbers, different bases)

We're starting our study of number theory by studying divisibility of integers.

Tues, 1/28 - we got back our Interim Assessments and reviewed our mistakes.

Wed, 1/29 - we explored the idea of divisibility and the definition of divisibility. Here are the slides from class and here is the worksheet of divisibility properties and some problems to try.

Thurs, 1/30 - we saw the division algorithm and how we can represent division in terms of divisors, dividends, quotients, and remainders. Here are the slides from class and here is a worksheet with some problems to try.

Fri, 1/31 - Mr. Lao was not in class and you reviewed your Interim Assessment.

Mon, 2/3 - we looked at greatest common divisors (gcd) and least common multiples (lcm) and how they're related and how we can find them. Here are the slides from class.

Tues, 2/4 - we used the Euclidean algorithm to find the gcd of two numbers. Here are the slides from class. Your HW is on the last slide and is also in your new textbook, p. 25 (Ex. 2C) #1e, 2e, 3, 4, 5.

Wed, 2/5 - we thought more about prime numbers and why they're important and how they're useful. Here are the slides from class. Your HW is on the last slide and is also in your new textbook, p. 30 (Ex. 2D) #1abc, 2, 3; (optional challenge 4).

Thurs, 2/6 - we explored numbers of different bases, other than base 10. Here are the slides from class. Your HW is p. 34 (Ex 3A) #1, #2a(i), c(i), e(i), f(i), 3, 4.

Fri, 2/7 - we performed arithmetic on numbers of different bases. Here are the slides from class. Your HW is p. 39 (Ex. 3C) #1ai, 1bi, 2ai, 2bi, 3.

Mon, 2/10 - we have a quiz upcoming on Wednesday. We tried a practice quiz in our groups. Here are the markschemes.

Tues, 2/11 - we have a quiz upcoming on Wednesday. We tried another practice quiz in our groups. Here are the markschemes.

Wed, 2/12 - we have a quiz on Number Theory, including topics of prime numbers, finding the gcd of two integers with the Euclidean algorithm, and using numbers of different bases.