Wednesday, 12/4/13 - Monday, 12/9/13

Post date: Dec 4, 2013 12:45:44 PM

We took a HW quiz on Wednesday, reviewed the last part of the reading, and introduced the mini seminar. We talked about Yassar Arafat and his mysterious death and possible poisoning in our small groups on Thursday and Friday and Monday. Mr. Lao will collect your completed packets at the end of class on Monday.

Here is the text for the mini seminar, and here is the packet of work you received in class.

Your HW is to prep for our Mini-Seminar. Read and annotate the CNN article and then fill out the chart in Part B, looking for the variables and justifying your choice.

Here are some articles from the NYT giving a timeline of the details surrounding Mr. Arafat, an article about the Swiss officials and another about the French officials.

We have an exam on Wednesday. Here is an exponentials and logarithms review set (not due for HW) and here is the answer key.

Here is the assignment calendar for the current unit: