Shadow Project

For the shadow project I went into the light room and used some of my friends as models. we played around with the lighting and the mannequins. Molly laid down on one of the tables and I decided to start taking picture. Then Cat took the arm and we started using that in the photo. I took a lot of pictures trying to find different angles and poses that showed a good shadow but also could have a story behind it. This was the best photo that came out of the ones I took. one of the elements used in my photo is space. I wanted to make it seem that the hand was almost touching Molly's cheek, but there was still space in between.

The high key lighting in this photo creates more of a range of value within the photo on the mannequin and the backdrop. With the multiple photos I took I had to decide between the different facial features, angles, and compositions. I also put a black and white filter on the photo once I knew which one I was going to use. I feel this picture has a strong composition as it activates 3 of the 4 sides.

This photograph showcases my friends and resources that I have access to at school. If I might change on thing in this photo it would be to have more going on because the picture right now is very uniform.