Collaboration Squares

For these collaboration square we were randomly given a square that had a design on it. Once all of these squares are put together it will make and eagle to represent our school mascot. I got squares D2 and C1 which had more of a graphic design on them. The task was to enlarge the design on the square into a 4x4 inch square. Using ink, I started with D2 because it had more white space than the other square. First I did the block that were "floating" or not attached to the larger ink dots around them. From this I painted on the other areas using the floating ones for space reference. On the second one I used the white paper as my blocks and colored in the negative space around.

I chose to do black and white because I knew that I could get a dark value with the black ink and contrast it with the off-white paper. I tried to go looser with my lines an outlines of the cubes while still trying to maintain the shape of all the original piece. The ink acts like water color and provides a softer feel to the paintings.

Although I like these two pieces, I definitely could've been more creative with the project. My use of black and white instead of color makes it bland where I wanted it traditional, yet fun.