Feet Project

This is my feet image and it includes people from my volleyball group and their shoes. We gathered in a circle during one of our breaks and I held my phone up over the group and took multiple photos. This one was the photo that turned out the best. I didn't do any editing to this picture because I felt the filter or touch ups didn't work or fit with the photo. I believe the most obvious principle that shows in this picture is pattern because the shoes are next to each other and create a feeling of rhythm and pattern by being so close together.

One of the composition rules I see within my photo is leading lines. The leading lines are everyone's legs leading to their foot that is showcased in the photo. They draw the audience's attention to the main aspect of the photo. For this project I took multiple photos of multiple subjects. I ended up going with this one because it had the most detail and the best story behind it.

This photo is special because of the connection it has to me and my friends. If I were to change anything with it I would say the arrangement of everyone and the spacing. In the end this isn't the strongest photo I could've gotten, but I thought it was nice and did fit the criteria.