
For this positive/negative space project I was out in Portland for the march for our lives. I found this street post and with the gray, cloudy sky I thought it would show the difference between positive and negative space. The positive space is the lamppost itself because it's being activated while the background is blank. I felt the touch of the street name gave the picture more emotion and strength. The names also tie into the reason that I was there in the first place and that's why I liked it. I decided to edit the photo in the photos app on my computer and put a filter that made the photo look more vintage.

This picture is a good example of leading lines in multiple ways. The poll and the street signs act as leading line by drawing the audience's attention to different parts of the photo. Sharp focus is showcased in this photo because every part of the post is in focus. if I were to change something I might lower the saturation in order to make the picture have more silhouette lighting.