Find Your Voice

For this project we were to choose a political or social topic and then draw something based on how we feel on that topic. I wanted to do gender stereotypes for my project and I focused on male stereotypes. There are many stereotypes out there, but for this I decided to look at the phrases 'Real men don't cry.' and 'Real men wear pink.' in my drawing. In this I used graphite, colored pencils, and pen. I sketched my person and then did the outlining of my lines in pen. Then I went back and shaded in his face and neck. With a colored pencil I colored the shirt pink and colored the design in the background. I utilized the range of values in order to get the shadows and shading in the drawing.

My piece showcases the composition rules sharp focus, informal balance, and grouping. Everything in my drawing is in focus which means it's sharp focus. The informal balance is in the tilted shape of the person. His neck is tilted back leaving more of him on the right side of the paper than on the left. This creates the informal balance in this project. I decided to use grouping in the background of the drawing with the different tear drops. They might be different shapes, but they are similar sizes and the same color within a pattern therefore making them a group. My project evolved and changed with the details of the drawing such as, the shading, colors, and background. I knew what theme I wanted to stick to and then it was deciding the rest of the project. I had to redo the shading a couple times. I had trouble trying to come up with a background that fit the theme of the project and the rest of the piece.

The meaning behind this piece is that guys are mad fun of for crying and wearing certain things. with this piece it brings awareness to the stereotypes against guys and others. I feel like I could've done better with the composition. the drawing feels plain and monotone with the colors which I don't like.