
For this project we were supposed to capture a picture showing movement. For my picture I was coming home from softball practice and had my hand out the window. I decided to take a photo with my phone which showed the trees going by and my hand as well. While developing it took a while to find the right exposure and aperture level in the dark room. It took me 3 prints before this one in order to get a print I liked. I chose the lighter print because it showed more detail in the sleeve and my hand. It also is more faded giving off a ghostly feel which I like. The trees in the background show the movement of the car as they are blurry because of the moving car. I wanted to remind people of when they were kids and playing with the wind while riding in the car.

My print has low contrast which means it has a lot of gray tones and not many strong black or white colors. There is a small range of value because of this. The picture is in soft focus because everything was moving and the camera didn't have time to focus. This has neither low nor high horizon line because the horizon falls right in the middle of the picture. With my hand activating one side of the photo it creates informal balance because there is nothing activating the foreground on the opposite side.