Final Page


Jan. 26th

apple bookend

Feb. 14th

black warbler

Mar. 23rd


Mar. 29th


Apr. 24th


May. 4th


May. 22nd


Jun. 4th


Jun. 15th

This semester was all about 3D sculptures. I remember last year in foundations we did a little bit of sculpture towards the end of the year. I also remember that I didn't like it so much and never thought I would do good in this class. Then it turns out that I did better than I expected. It also turned out to be a lot more fun than I would've thought before. In the first quarter we explored different medium and techniques in making our sculptures. For the first sculpture we used paper as our material in order to express how the first semester had gone for us. This was my first and only abstract sculpture this year. I liked working with the paper although the glue was a mess. Then we did something called a relief sculpture. For this is decided to make a book end with an apple coming out of it and little ants on the bottom. My main reason for a book end was because I enjoy reading and I thought it would be cool to have something I made my self on my book shelf. After that came a technique called sgraffito. This is the process of painting your sculpture with underglaze, firing it in the kiln, and then scraping off the glaze to create a design. Next is a sculpture that represents a social or political issue that we feel strongly about. Our subject was hands and we made them through alginet molds and then filled them with plaster. For quarter 4 we did something new and got to choose our own concentration to stick with for the rest of the year. This turned out to be a really fun twist on the year and got me more involved with my projects because they were about something I wanted to focus on. For the next five projects I chose a concentration of skulls and mental illness. For each one I did a different mental illness or something related to it. For my first one I used plaster and sculpy to display depression. The second was of PTSD using paper for the skull and explosion and plastic to represent gun fire. My third project was completely made out of sculpy and is used to represent anxiety. The broken clock and all it's wires show the stress and brokenness. The fourth one was about domestic abuse. I had found the keys in the storage closet and arranged them in the shape of a skull over articles of abuse. Then the last one I used thread to sew a skull into a sweater I had and colored the eyes to represent bipolar disorder. This semester was a good exploration of many materials and styles and although it was a lengthy process of finding what I liked, I had a lot of fun with my classmates and learned more about myself. I was taught different skills and the rights and wrongs of different tasks.

3D design final.mp4