Portrait Photogram

This photo is of a picture of my boyfriend. Because this project was a portrait, I cropped it so that his face was the focal point of the photo. Then I went and printed the invert of the photo on clear paper so that when I printed it in the darkroom it would come out like the original photo. Instead of developing the whole photo, we did and altered development. I took a paint brush and dipped it in developer. Then I painted over parts that I wanted to develop leaving the rest blank so it didn't develop. From this you see all the places were the developer ran and dripped onto the paper.

This photo was taken in school and the brick wall in the back creates a pattern for the background. The photo I used had selective focus because the wall in the background was out of focus while my boyfriend was in focus. I wish I controlled where I painted the developer more so it would be strategic instead of all over. And the fact that some spots developed more than others doesn't look good.