
A cyanotype is a photo ingrained in light sensitive fabric. You leave the photo in the sun over the fabric and let it set for up to 12 minutes. This darkens the fabric that is exposed to the light while the fabric that is covered remains the same. The specific subject of this project was landscapes. I chose a picture from when I climbed Mount Katahdin. I liked how the rocks contrasted with the trees creating layers of different texture. The different shapes made a nice effect to the picture.

This photo that I used is a good example of high horizon line. I know this because most of the picture is taken up by the landscape leaving less than half of the fabric for the horizon. The first print on fabric that I did had a low range of value. Because of this I redid the cyanotype in order to see more of the light tones. Although this one did show up better, I wish there was more ranch in value.