Circle Project

For this project I decided to do a set of circles. I did a the first circles as the four elements: water, fire, air, earth. The next two are of night and day, then the last two are sunset and sunrise. These are all on canvas and painted with acrylic paint. On all of these I started with the the background color and then layered the image on. For example in the sunrise I started with the darkest color covering the whole canvas. I then went over with a lighter color of blue and so on and so forth with the rest of the colors. In order to hang my project up, I poked two holes in the top of each painting. After I had done that I got a needle and thread then sewed the circles together along a line of string. I tied the ends to paper clips in order to have a space to hook onto the push pins. I knew I wanted to do something small and have more than one circle. The original idea I had was just the four elements together because they're known as a group. I then added on the day, night, sunset, and sunrise circles. In this project I used multiple colors ranging from black to a light cream/white. I used different techniques for my brush strokes in the sunset, sunrise and part of the fire painting. For those circles I put down a line of thick paint and with my finger I splotched the paint with the color next to it creating a blended feel.

All of my paintings showcase informal balance because none of them are centered or identical on both sides of the painting. My sunset painting is an example of low horizon line because the trees are at the bottom of the painting and the rest is the sky. Over the time this project took I added on to my collection everyday. I got new ideas and used different colors. On some I went back and added more tiny details to some of my work making them look better and stand out more.

I feel this series shows the balance and grouping in life. Everything can fit into a category and style. Everything has a place whether by itself or among others. I wanted to do something small and simple although my favorite circle turned out to be the I added the most details to. Even if I revised some of my paintings, I would've liked to gone back and get more detailing in to some of them. I even feel like I could add on to the collection.