Leading Lines

This is a picture of the bench in the science wing. The spaces between the wood are the leading line drawing the attention to the back of the photo. I like that the plant happened to be in the middle of where the line are pointing. The texture in the wood grain shows through in the focused sections of the photo and adds a cool effect to the detail and design of the subjects. I had tried taking many other pictures in this area, yet they were not what I was looking for. I couldn't crop it for fear of losing the leading lines.

The selective focus in the photo can twist the meaning of the photo in a way and leave the ideas to the people by making the background blurred. It also focuses on the wood allowing that texture to show through. There were multiple photos that I took for this project that showcased leading lines. I felt like this was my strongest and put a filter on it to dull the colors a bit in order to have a more wintery vibe. I like this photo a lot the way it is right now, but if I were to change something about it I would like the actual leading lines to be more visible.