COVID Response

"Let Your Plants Keep You Company"

4"x 4"

Watercolor on watercolor paper

For this project I chose the design that I felt was most positive out of my thumbnail sketches. I feel that it is important to stay positive during this because of all the news and events can be depressing. I loosely followed the design I had planned out before starting on my final piece. I started by painting the pots using brown watercolor. From there I went straight to painting the plants. I didn't have a definite plan on what I wanted the plants to look like so I just went with whatever I felt like. Looking back I see that the first and third plants are similar in looks and I wish I had added more variety. I outlined everything with sharpie pen once it was dry. I had trouble with the text and making sure each letter was equal. In the future I want to take more time with the text to make certain that it looks good and perfect. In the process of making this piece I smudged some of the watercolor and had to use white acrylic paint to cover it up.