Blind Contour

These four paintings are all using a style called blind contour. This is a technic where you don't look at the paper while drawing a figure. I used multiple figures in these drawings such as a lamb, a deer, bears, and a penguin. I like these pieces because they are smaller which I tend to do more small pieces and the water color I used turned out the way I wanted it to. First I would draw my blind contour animal with a fine-point sharpie. Then I would go in with the water color and color the animal and the background of the painting. My colors blended well when I wanted them to and I was able to get realistic shades. I like the cartoonistic feel of these pieces that is brought on by the blind contour style of painting

The lines of the animals are the most important aspect of these paintings because they make up the whole animal and without these bolder, darker lines it would only be color. Yet the color is also important because it gives the pieces a background and substance of what the animals are. I also feel like the different colors and layers create a nice tecture in some of the pieces I made.

These pieces are some of my favorite and I found out that I liked working smaller than larger. The collection made me feel better about my art skills even if I found the technique a little different to my traditional drawings. I felt some of my backgrounds are bland and I could've added more colors or figures to them.