Love Is...

This project is due on valentines day therefore it was all about love. I planned to take a picture of my boyfriend but then my friends all jumped in too in the middle of the hall. It ended up being a crazy, sporadic photo with everyone doing different things. I still decide to use it as my final photo because it showed all the people that I loved at school. It showcased the people that were closest to me and that I cared about. I feel that there is a lot of value in this photo because of the different colors that everyone is wearing.

The photo showcases informal balance because not everyone is in the same position or arrange in a perfect line. If they were all standing side by side then it would be formal balance depending on the height differences. I knew I wanted to take pictures of my friends and boyfriend but I didn't know how or what it was going to look like. In the end I really like this photo and put a black and white filter on it.