Extreme Perspective

Bird's Eye Tree

Bird's Eye Picnic Table

Bird's Eye Bricks

Bird's Eye Trash

Bird's Eye Workstation

Bird's Eye Legs

Ant's Eye Trash

Ant's Eye Ground

Ant's Eye Mulch

Ant's Eye Feet

Ant's Eye Sign

Ant's Eye Stool

Ant's Eye Statue

In this project our task was creating photos of both bird's eye and ant's eye view. All of these are from around the school grounds both inside and outside. The subjects are mostly inanimate objects and nature. For the bird's eye view photos I had to get higher than ground level and then I held the camera higher to give a greater feeling of being high in the air. For the ant's eye view I did the opposite of the bird's eye. I got the camera as close to the ground as possible and tried to focus on the object that I had in front of the camera. I used the space around me to provide the subject for each photo, but only selected compositions that I enjoyed. In each of these I tried to show the texture of the object I was showcasing and their unique shapes.

Many of these images are a combination of informal balance, soft focus, selective focus, sharp focus, and high key lighting. Some only show two, some show only one. A good example of selective focus is 'Ant's Eye Ground' because the leaf is in focus while the gravel around it isn't. I took many pictures while walking around the school of multiple scenes. I chose the ones I felt were strongest out of my collections and edited them, seeing what filters and saturation looked the best. In the end I chose the ones strongest and the ones I liked the most.

I really liked this project and feel it's one of my strongest collections out of the quarter. My favorite perspective was the ant's eye view because I captured smaller details which made the images more interesting. The bird's eye perspectives could be stronger if I found more spaces with the right angle.