Scholastics #3

For this piece I continued to use charcoal as my main medium. I used water color to accent different areas of my piece such as the eyes in both the demon and the figure. I knew I wanted to do something using the situation of a demon behind a person. Using charcoal was the best medium to use because I now had experience with it an knew how to get a dark value out of it. First thing I did was outline my basic figure and placed the eyes of the demon where I wanted them. Then I started to use charcoal to color the paper around and outwards of the figure. I knew I wanted to fade the sides of the demon out towards the ends of the paper. I did this by blending it with my finger as I drew lines or spikes out at the end. I used red and black watercolor for the eyes of the demon then red and blue watercolor for the figure.

Because there is little color in this piece, I used the color included to represent different messages. Red is what represents evil and bad while the blue is supposed to show innocents and good. The fade of the eyes in the figure show the transition to evil. The fading lines are to represent how consuming and overtaking the demon is. This piece has informal balance as the fading outline isn't perfectly match and even.