Altered Negative

For the altered negative project I chose a small square of film that I had left over from Photography 1. In order for this to be altered we needed to do something to the negative to change the picture. For mine I decided to burn the edges of the film. This curled the ends of the film making it smaller. This made it tough to hold in the film square. In order to get it to stay I had to clip the negative in at an angle, which is why you see part of the edges.

The photo used has a lot of shape in it from the ceiling to the person showcased. Also the pattern on Fin's shirt comes out in the photo with the faint pattern of the ceiling tiles. Then the negative itself has a unique shape because of the burn marks and the angle. With the negative being all curled it left the rest of the paper freely exposed to the light. This left a dark background around the film which contrasts against the light of the film. The picture was taken in high key lighting which is why the photo in the film has a lot of light and gray tones.