Cloning and Overlays

These photos are my cloning and overly edits. In the first photo I combined a photo of my dog in the foreground and a photo of ink in water for the background. For the second one we had to clone something with in the photo. The original photo is me holding an elephant figurine in front of the garden behind my house. I had some paint on my hand so I cloned my skin color over it and then in the background I covered the deck with more flowers. For the dog, I chose a picture that I had taken of my dog from a different project and put it on top of a photo I thought would make a cool background. Then I erased the background from the first photo till it was just my dog and to could see the other photo behind it. I used photoshop for all of my editing in these photos. I chose to use my dog in the first photo because it had a clear subject and I knew I could add a good background to go with it. For the second one I was looking for something with more color. The background was very bright and had a lot of pop with the pink flowers so I chose it to edit.

In the overlay project I tried to focus on formal balance, but the background was abstract so it seems more informal. The second photo showcases selective focus because the elephant figure and the hand are in focus but the background is blurred. For the dog I played around with the opacity because I didn't know what I liked. I ended up doing 85% so you can see some of the ink through the layer. I knew I could overlay the paint off my hand, but I felt that wasn't enough editing for the project. There was trouble deciding what else I could do with the picture, but I ended up covering the deck with more flowers.

Both the dog and the elephant photos were taken on the same night for a previous project. Then the background I used for the overlay is also from the project before this.