Winter Break

During the Christmas break we were told to take pictures of different things we did or pictures with a Christmas theme. This picture is taken looking through my back door into the back yard covered in snow. It was a day after the snow storm on Christmas day and I thought that the trees covered in snow would make a good picture and fit the theme. Once I got back to school I developed my film and choose this photo to enlarge because it showed the greatest value and detail out of all the photos that showed up on the roll of film. I tried to make sure the trees were in focus in order to catch the snow and the texture of the branches.

In this photo the composition rules that are included are framing, repetition, and selective focus. The framing is shown by taking the photo through the window of the back door. Even though it's glass, you can still see the dividers showing that there is something in the foreground of the photo. The trees and the tree branches create almost a scattered repetition throughout the photo. Because I decided to focus the camera at the trees in the background, he lines in the foreground are more blurry than the rest of the photo and therefore the picture is selective focus.

I took a couple pictures every day of the break depending on what I was doing. This happened to be the best picture to show up on my fool of film and it also happened to be on taken on the day after Christmas which I found exciting. If I were to change anything it would be to take a more exciting photo with a more interesting subject.