Time Capsule


1" x 2"


My Lips

1" x 2"



2" x 1"


These three paintings are my time capsule pieces. This year we had to draw an object that reminds you of your past, an object that represents your future, and a zoomed in part of our body. The first painting I did was the zoomed in body part as a mirror was easily available. I then painted the graduation cap to represent my upcoming future. I had the hardest time figuring out what to draw that reminded me of my past. Finally, I decide to paint a lollipop as it reminded me of the large jar my family used to keep in the cabinet when I was younger. All these paintings revolve around me and my life as they are my own lips and my own hopes for the future.

I wanted to try something new with my paintings and decided that I would paint my time capsules on polaroid pictures. In order to cover the photo, I had to use many layers of white paint. This was used as a background for my paintings. I immediately started painting without sketch lines as I felt comfortable with shaping lips while looking at my own in the mirror. By mixing tan, red, and white I created the perfect color and started painting. The graduation cap was harder to paint because I had to shrink the dimensions in order to have it fit on the polaroid. Once I had the shape of the cap painted, I needed a background. I decided to do maroon polkadots as maroon is one of the school colors. An object that reminded me of my past was hard to find. I ended up doing a peach lollipop as they were always my favorite flavor as a child.