Photoshop Photogram

With this project we were tasked with using at least 4 photos and creating a photogram. A photogram is printed on clear paper and then used in the darkroom on light sensitive paper to create this photo. I had photos that I had previously taken during photography 1. I used the photo that I liked best for the background. After that I searched through my photos for different pictures that I could add into the collage. I chose two photos from a photoshoot I did with my friends where I had set the timer on my camera and then posed. The last photo I used was one I had taken out of the window of my bus in the morning. I chose a small shed from that photo and added it in the middle of the collage. I erased the backgrounds from the photos I added and left what I wanted to use in the photo. In this project we printed bot an inverse and a regular image on clear paper in order to have two different photos.

While choosing my photos I looked for different values in them and tried to get a range. There aren't as many light shades as I could've put into the collage. The photos in the collage show a lot of texture. With the rocks in the background, the fabric in the clothes, and part of the wood from the shed. This photo also includes selective focus from the photo I used as the background. The photo from photography one is in focus, but as you look farther into the background it gets blurry. The other photos I used are both in sharp focus.