Beautiful Oops

The beautiful oops is another project that we do to start the year. This is where we take an ink splotch that is already on the paper and create something with it. With the ink I had on my paper, I thought I could make it into a little alien ship. I used water color for this project in order to try something new. I started by going around the painting with black water color for the background of the sky. At first I thought it was too light so I kept adding layers of black. In the lower left corner I added earth so it can look like the alien was landing on the planet. I wanted it to look like the universe was fading out so I left some white space around the border where you could see the paint brush marks. With a white colored pencil, I drew a circle around what I figured was the alien to make his space ship which connected to the bigger ink dot which is the base of the ship. I also drew in stars and light coming from the ship.

This piece has informal balance because the none of it is centered or symmetrical. You can see the texture in the water color because of the paint brush streaks seen in the paint. There are different values of of black and gray in the sky where I got less pigment in the water color. I like the contrast between the lighter blue and green with the dark black of space. The white colored pencil stands out against the black water color.

I don't think the faded border idea really worked and it looks more like bad craftsmanship. If it were to work I think it would have to be more like an ombre faded instead of a cut off. Plus the black water color is so dark that you can't see the ink. If I had done less layers of the water color then it would've been better.