
Beautiful Oops: Sept. 9

Time Capsule: Sept. 13

Lichtenstein Square: Sept. 19

Extended Blind Contour: Sept. 27

Design and Space: Oct. 9

Pure Contour: Oct. 13th

Abstract Shoe: Oct. 17

Selfie Still Life: Oct. 25

Perspective Drawing: Oct. 31

Candy Still Life: Nov. 14

Mixed Media: Dec. 1

Self Portrait: Dec. 16

Color Study: Feb. 7

Color Design: Mar. 6

Surrealism Collage: Mar. 21

Social Issue Prints: Apr. 4

Realistic Scratchboard: Apr. 24

Wire Sculpture: May. 8

Assemblage Sculpture: May. 24

Independent Project: Jun. 12

Written Reflection: Going into this class I felt it was going to be an easy A. I now know that I was wrong and there was a lot that I was going to learn in the year. I was introduced to many new processes that I didn't know existed and materials that I had never used before. Over the course of this year I realized art takes more time and effort in order to be good. I knew if I wanted my piece to come out the way I wanted it to then I couldn't slack like I had before. Out of all the projects we did I feel I did best on the self portrait and the gridding technique we used really helped make the drawing realistic. The gridding technique was a very helpful tool in most drawings. My favorite material that I was introduced to this year was wire. I had never thought of wire as a material that could be used to create art until we did the wire sculpture. Overall my favorite material was graphite. I love doing sketches whether they are simple or complex and and shading quickly. My least favorite project the assemblage sculpture. Finding the right shades of brown paint chips and then gluing them on was very time consuming and more tape was showing through than I would've liked. By looking at all my art pieces I believe that over this year I become a better painter and drawer. My pieces had stronger composition and better color as we went along. This class has taught me a lot and I plan to continue art into next year and hopefully longer. I look forward to learning more processes and techniques to improve my skills further.

Video Reflection