Pure Contour Hands

This painting is of two pure contour hands inside of an eyeball. The hands are holding the pupil which is found inside the iris. I used ink for this piece and chose to stick to the color blue for the color of the iris. The blue was inspired by one of my friend's eyes which are a bright icy blue. The hands I drew in pencil then went back and outlined them in sharpie. I had my friend take a picture of my hands holding a circular object and used the photo as my reference. I got this idea randomly and out of all the things I could've done, I liked this the best and felt I could do the most with it. Color was a big element in my art because I had to mix the ink in order to get the right shade of blue that I was looking for.

I feel my piece showcases some leading lines with the brush strokes leading to the pupil. This draws the audience's attention towards the center which is good because the hands are in the center and I want that to be one of the main focuses of the painting. At first I had the hands in the center but didn't know how to end the wrists. Then i just went in and added curvy lines and made them look like ghost hands. Then while adding finishing the iris I realized that there is usually a darker line just before the whites of the eye start. I want back in with a darker blue to make that line instead of black because I thought the black would be too bold. Then as a final touch I painted the veins in the whites of the eye with red ink.

I wanted the hands to be holding the pupil in a comforting way. The eye is supposed to be crying, but the water didn't show up as well as I had hoped. The hands are holding and comforting the eye in a loving and delicate way in order to show affection.