One Earth

For our one earth project we were supposed to focus on different issues in the environment. I chose to do climate change in my first painting. I knew I wanted to show how animals are affected by climate change, so I chose a polar bear because the melting of the ice caps are damaging their population and habitat. First I sketched out the polar bear and where I wanted it to be. Then I decided to draw out the background. In order to convey that the polar bear it in danger, I drew a chunk of the ice falling into the water, which the polar bear was swimming. When I had everything sketched the way I wanted it, I outlined everything in ink pen. Once that dried I went in with water color to shade everything in with a light blue for the sky and a darker blue for the water. I finished the first one before the due date and wanted to do another piece. For this one I focused more on air and water pollution. I sketched a lake with pollution running into it and in the background I did a factory and city. I outlined everything and then went in with water color. I decided to use a lot of brown to show how dirty the world is.

The solid, black lines in both of my pieces are important for keeping the shape of my image. I also makes everything become more emphasized and contrasts with the lighter water colors I used. My second painting had a low horizon line, which is created by the hills and the buildings in the back. In the first painting there is movement in the bolder of ice that's falling and the splash of water. Both pieces have an informal balance where one side is more activated by objects than the other.

Overall I feel my first piece is stronger than my second and has more emotion than the second piece as well. I feel both of them convey my message the way I wanted to and turned out good for what they are. If I were to change anything, I would want to add more detail to the second piece.