Advanced Studio

Over the past year I have grown as an artist and as a person. I feel my art reflects this growth clearly throughout the class. As the year started I tried to get back into the swing of creating art. This was a bot of a challenge as I had to remember the style I had and how to control the different mediums I would use. The first two projects I used as a learning opportunity to test my skills and creativity again. I hadn't experienced 2D art since the first semester of sophomore year in 2D design. These projects were a little rough, but in the 3rd project I used ink and felt like I was on the right track. The time capsule pieces showed me that I could control my paintbrush and the paint. Early on I started exploring mediums and found that I enjoyed working with charcoal and used this for a total of 4 different projects.

When it was time to choose a concentration I strayed away from using charcoal and dark piece and chose to do a concentration on architecture. I wanted to focus on different styles of buildings as well as what it means to call a place home. For the second semester I made a total of 13 different pieces that fall under architecture. For my first project I used colored pencil for shading and watercolor as light and sky. I continued to use watercolor and pen until my 5th piece where I used ink again in order to get a brighter and bolder color. Towards the end of the year I knew that I had used watercolor often and wanted to explore what was available to me before I left for summer. Therefore I decided to create a roof out of clay, a collage of a house out of magazines, a teepee out of sculpy, a yellow house out of glass, and then finally a bird's nest out of wire. All these were 3D projects that I enjoyed, but I also liked my 2D pieces.

I feel that over the year I have improved and changed drastically as an artist. As I look back over my latest work I feel very proud of them. The pieces I made for my architecture concentration show the best of my skills and improvement. I feel my penmanship and control of my mediums. The second semester's work is some of my best work and I hope to continue this concentration while exploring mediums as I have been. I have a couple glass jars and a skateboard that I would like to paint over the summer and then continue into my creativity into AP Studio Art. I did enjoy working with watercolor and want to continue that style of art while also doing 3D projects.