
Serranus tigrinus

(Harlequin Bass)


Maximum size 10cm (4")

Recognition Characters

The unique pointed snout and distinct color pattern make it easy to identify. Body elongated, slender; caudal fin is truncate; branchiostegal rays (7); teeth present in jaws, dorsal fin spines (10), soft rays (12. 7) irregular dark brown to black irregular bars on sides; parts of head, chest, dorsal and anal fins have small black blotches.


Greenish black on back shading to pale silvery yellow on belly.

Habitat & Depth

Most common in areas with rock or scattered coral. To 40m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Occasional. More tropical.

Geographic Range

Georgia south to Florida and northern South America, Caribbean and Bermuda

Behavior & Notes

Usually solitary or found in pairs. Feeds mainly upon crustaceans. Synchronously hermaphroditic.



Sterrer 1986