
Thyone psuedofusus

1. Out of water -image taken through lens of microscope (Leslie Bates)


Length: 2cm (0.8")

Recognition Characters

Small burrowing form. Body tapers with mouth and anus directed dorsally. Podia is in double rows along radii and/or scattered on interradii, especially ventrally. Tentacles (10), ventral pair is smaller. Ossicles in body wall are oval tables with thick disc, 4 perforations; spire is robust, terminating in several small teeth, frequently arranged in 2 adjacent whorls; distinct "handle" or half-ring opposite spire on inner surface of disc. Podia ossicles are elongate and curved supporting tables with 2 or 3-pillar spires ending in a few teeth, end plate is well developed.


Reddish white

Habitat & Depth

Soft sediments to 46m.

Distribution at GRNMS

May be common, but because of small size and burrowing nature in soft sediments species is difficult to observe.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to the Dry Tortugas, Gulf of Mexico west to the Yucatan Peninsula, British West Indies

Behavior & Notes

