
Dinocardium robustum

(Giant Atlantic Cockle)


Length: 5.5-13.5cm (2.25-5.25")

Recognition Characters

Shell is large, broadly ovate, and inflated. Rounded angle runs from umbones to lower end of hind margin. Radial ribs on hind 2/3 of shell are flattened, on front 1/3 of ribs they are rounded with strong scalelike ridges. Spots on ribs are often in concentric series.


Exterior is whitish-yellow, with scattered reddish-brown spots on ribs. Hind end is brownish. Interior pale reddish or purplish-brown, white toward front, hind margin brown.

Habitat & Depth

In mud and sand from shallow water to 30m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. In mud and sand surrounding reef areas.

Geographic Range

Virginia south to Northern Florida. Texas and Mexico

Behavior & Notes

This is the largest cockle on the Atlantic Coast. It is common on North Carolina to Florida beaches and its flesh makes excellent chowder.



Rehder 1981