
Aglaophenia trifida

1. In situ (Danny Gleason)

2. In situ (Danny Gleason)

3. In situ (Danny Gleason)

4. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

5. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

6. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)


Colony height: reaching 20cm (8") Branch width: 1.75cm (0.6")

Recognition Characters

Colonies arise from a large hydrocaulus. Can form tangled masses or large erect clumps of plumes. Overall shape of plume is feather-like. Hydrocaulus long, wiry, slender giving rise to widely separated branches. Branches off from front of hydrocaulus either singly or in pairs, frequently rebranched in like manner giving colony an irregular branch appearance; paired branches, when present, arising from contiguous internodes. Hydrocladia absent only at base of hydrocaulus and on older branches, otherwise divided at regular intervals by slightly oblique nodes. Hydrothecae cone shaped, large, occupying most of internode. Margin of hydrothecae with one median and 4 pairs of lateral teeth, teeth rounded.


Mostly dark brown or green to black. Tips of each plume are yellow.

Habitat & Depth

Attach to hard substrates on tops of ledges and rocks.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Large colonies will be clustered together near the tops of ledges.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to Caribbean

Behavior & Notes

