
Paguristes tortugae

(Hermit Crab)


Anterior shield width: 0.7cm (0.3") Anterior shield length: 0.5cm (0.2")

Recognition Characters

Anterior shield of carapace is longer than broad, tapering towards posterior end. Rostrum ends in acute tip. Antennular peduncles reach to base of cornea or slightly beyond. Antennal peduncles reach to 3/4 length of eyestalks. Chelipeds are equal, hairy, 4 to 5 spines on outer surface, carpus with 4 spines on interior margin.


Varying from white to red to reddish orange. Ocular peduncles are white and often circumscribed with 1 or 2 bands of black near base of cornea. Chelipeds are white, pink, or reddish. Spines are usually dark red or reddish-orange.

Habitat & Depth

Reefs, shelly or rocky bottoms. Occupy shells of Calliostoma.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Occupy empty Calliostoma shells. Located under rocky rubble and crevices in reef.

Geographic Range

Beaufort, North Carolina to Pensacola, Florida, West Indies to Brazil, Gulf of Mexico

Behavior & Notes



Williams 1984