
Amathia convoluta

(Common Sheep's-Wool Bryozoan)

1. In situ (Greg McFall)

2. In situ (Greg McFall)

3. Out of water - Bryozoan is encrusted by white tunicate, Didemnum sp. (Steve Vives)


Colony height: reaching 10cm (3") tall

Recognition Characters

Forms bushy colonies. Zoarium is erect and jointed and branches appear to be twisted in a tight spiral. Zooecia are arranged in a double rows which spiral counter-clockwise around the stem.


Brown or tannish brown

Habitat & Depth

Attaches to rocks, other shells, and mangrove roots. Can be found in both offshore and estuarine water. To 30m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Attached to ledges and rocky outcroppings.

Geographic Range

East Coast of United States, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, south to Brazil

Behavior & Notes


Amathia alternata


Kaplan 1988