
Aequipecten muscosus

(Rough Scallop)

1. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)

2. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)


Shell height:: 2-3cm (0.75-1.25")

Recognition Characters

Smaller scallop. Almost circular, with both valves inflated and fairly deep. Has large hinge ears with front ears longer than hind ears. Usually 18-20 rounded ribs each bearing prominent, erect, scaly riblets or rows of fine scales with 2 rows of smaller scales on each side.


Exterior colors can range from yellow, orange, brown, or dark reddish-brown sometimes mottled with purple. Interior is pale yellowish to brown.

Habitat & Depth

Sandy substrates and grass beds. Found in shallow water to 165m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. May be found partially buried in sediment surrounding reef.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to Brazil. Bermuda, Caribbean, and to Texas on Gulf Coast

Behavior & Notes



Ruppert and Fox 1988, Abbott 2001, Rehder 1981