
Bugula microoecia


Colony height: reaching 20cm (8") tall

Recognition Characters

Colonies are phytoid, composed of a central stalk and stems from which very delicate, feathery, branches arise. Stalk is composed of greatly elongated zooids, whose internal organs have degenerated to brown bodies, and of tangled masses of radicles. Zooids are biserial, alternate, tapering slightly toward the base. The ovicells appear to be very reduced, shallow arches, scarcely elevated beyond the distal margin of the zooids. Avicularia are placed high on the lateral margin, robust, length exceeding the width of the zooids, beak short and decurved.


Stalk is orange, branches are white

Habitat & Depth

Shelly reefs or scallop bed reefs in the South Atlantic. To 24m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. More common on shell or scallop reefs in shallower water.

Geographic Range

Beaufort, North Carolina south to Puerto Rico

Behavior & Notes

Specimens from off the Georgia coast collected in June have possessed ovicells with embryos.



Maturo 1966