
Axinyssa ambrosia

1. In situ-shows inflated digitate projections arising from basal mass (Rob Ruzicka)

2. In situ-shows inflated digitate projections arising from basal mass (Rob Ruzicka)

3. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)

4. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)

5. Out of water-image shows verrucose surface of fistules (Rob Ruzicka)


Digitate processes: reaching 5cm (2"). Colony width: reaching 20cm (8")

Recognition Characters

Sponge forms thick encrusting masses from which finger-like or digitate processes arise. Consistency of sponge is soft and easily torn. Surface is strongly verrucose creating channels and depressions on digitate fingers. Surface is smooth and not hispid. Basal portion of sponge highly incrusted with shells and sediment. Spicules are predominately oxeas.



Habitat & Depth

On mixed sandy bottoms surrounding reefs.

Distribution at GRNMS

Abundant. Found partially buried in sediment around ledges.

Geographic Range

Georgia, Florida (both coasts), parts of the Caribbean.

Behavior & Notes

This sponge superficially resembles Hymeniacidon heliophila but H. heliophila only has styles for spicules and may be restricted to shallow waters.

