
Stelletta carolinesis

1. Out of Water (Chris Freeman)

2. Out of Water (Chris Freeman)


Colony height and width: 4cm (1.5")

Recognition Characters

Circular to oval growth pattern. Firm in consistency. Upper surface of sponge is smooth, while the lateral surfaces are somewhat coarsely roughened. Sponge is surrounded by thick ectosome that is cartilaginous. Choanosome is softer. Spicules are oxeas and euasters.


Grey exterior. Bright yellow interior

Habitat & Depth

Attach to underside of reefs. To 30m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. This sponge is cryptic in its distribution at GRNMS. It prefers to grow in recesses, cracks and underneath ledges.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to Georgia. Unknown from Florida

Behavior & Notes


Dorypleres carolinesis


Hooper 2000