
Astrangia poculata


Colony height: to 12cm (5") Colony width: 12cm (5"), Individual polyps: 0.6cm (0.25") diameter

Recognition Characters

Colonies are encrusting, submassive, or branching. Colonies are both zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate, depending primarily on light conditions. Corallites are tightly compacted, mostly circular and up to 10 mm in diameter. Corallite walls are well defined. Septal margins are beaded. Columellae are well developed. 30 septa.


Translucent to brown, depending on the presence of zooxanthellae. Also pinkish to white.

Habitat & Depth

Colonizes rocky shores and jetty pilings. Also encrust limestone reefs and ledges offshore. To at least 30m maybe deeper.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Attach to vertical substrates or the top of ledges.

Geographic Range

Cape Cod, Massachusetts south to the Florida Keys and Gulf of Mexico

Behavior & Notes

A. poculata was previously known as A. astreiformis in the Gulf of Mexico and A. danae in the Western Atlantic. Both of these former names are now both assigned to A. poculata.


Astrangia danae, Astrangia astreiformis


Meinkoth 1981