
Pelia mutica


Carapace Length: to 1.3cm (0.5") Carapace Width: to 0.9cm (0.75")

Recognition Characters

This is a small crab. Carapace pyriform or pear-shaped, greatest width approximately 2/3 of length. Carapace swollen, has no tubercles, and lacks spines. Rostrum is well developed into 2 divergent horns on distal end. Carapace and rostrum lightly pubescent. Chelipeds of mature male almost as long as first walking leg, almost bare of hair while walking legs have marginal rows of stiff setea.


Bright red in patches on carapace and in bands on legs, spots of light red on chelipeds.

Habitat & Depth

Gravel or shell bottoms of bays and sounds. Associated with hydroids, ascidians, and sponges on pilings of shelly reefs. Shallow water to 51m.

Distribution at GRNMS

May be found on with other sessile organisms such as hydroids, corals, sponges, and ascidians.

Geographic Range

Massachusetts south to West Indies, Gulf of Mexico to Texas, Cuba

Behavior & Notes

Often this crab is difficult to recognize because it is covered with encrusting sponges or tunicates.



Williams 1984