
Scrupocellaria regularis


Colony height: 2.5cm (1") Zooecia length: 0.51mm Zooeciea width: 0.20mm

Recognition Characters

Colonies are erect and branching, forming short tufts on various substrata. Zooids are narrow in the proximal portion, wider distally. The opesia are ovoid in shape, and occupy approximately 2/3 of the frontal area. The innermost proximal spine is specialized to act as a shield or scutum over the membranous frontal area. This single spine covers most of the opesia, is large and paddle-shaped with pointed edges. Avicularia of 2 types: lateral defensive aviculari with strongly hooked movable beak and median suboral avicularia large and salient. Polypides have obliquely truncate lophophores which average 0.02 inches in diameter. The horseshoe-shaped lophophore surrounding the mouth bears 13 tentacles that are somewhat translucent, and pink in color.



Habitat & Depth

Attach to seagrasses, mangrove roots, drift algae, oyster reef, dock, pilings, breakwaters, and man-made debris.

Distribution at GRNMS


Geographic Range

Cape Hatteras, North Carolina south to the Caribbean. Introduced to the Gulf of California

Behavior & Notes



Sterrer 1986