
Cliona caribbea

(Green Boring Sponge)

1. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

2. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

3. In situ - Picture shows interior of sponge (Rob Ruzicka)

4. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)

5. Out of Water - Picture shows interior of sponge (Rob Ruzicka)


Colony height: reaching 10cm (4") Colony width: to 15cm (6")

Recognition Characters

This sponge does not show the typical boring habit of the genus Cliona. This sponge can completely destroy the object they excavate and become free living leaving no trace of their boring habit. The surface of the sponge is mostly smooth but undulating with ridges that run the length of the sponge. Surface may contain circular areas about 5mm in diameter which are papillae that have contracted. Oscules are large and randomly distributed. The interior of the sponge exhibits balls of excavated sediment. The consistency of the sponge is firm and slightly compressible. The spicules are tylostyles.


Exterior greenish-gray to olive. Interior is yellowish-orangish flecked with dark splotches of excavated sediment.

Habitat & Depth

Temperate reefs to 50m. Also mixed sandy and hard bottom surrounding reefs.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare at GRNMS. More common at deeper reefs.

Geographic Range

Western Atlantic, Mediterranean

Behavior & Notes



Wells et al. 1960, Sterrer 1986