
Dysidea fragilis

1. In situ (Greg McFall)

2. In situ (Greg McFall)


Colony height and width: reaching 15cm (6")

Recognition Characters

It may be thinly encrusting or irregular massive lobose in form. Massive lobate forms can have a ruffled appearance due to the canals formed by the intricate design of the lamellae. The surface is conulate, because of spongin fibers lifting the surface layer. The projections are sometimes lighter in color than the main surface. Consistency is softly spongy, compressible, and somewhat resilient. The oscules are round, situated on apices of lobes, or scattered on the top plane. The choanosome is fleshy and the skeletal fibroreticulation is irregular. Fibers are packed with calcareous debris.


Lavender, to whitish on top, also whitish-pink to grayish pink in color but can also be brown. In cases where sand grains predominate over organic matter the sponge can assume the color of sand.

Habitat & Depth

Tropical and temperate reefs. To 40m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Sponge grows on the tops of ledges.

Geographic Range

Caribbean north through the Western Atlantic to Great Britain

Behavior & Notes



Wells et al. 1960, Sterrer 1986