
Clytia gracilis


Colony height: reaching 1cm (0.4").

Recognition Characters

Colonies sometimes stolonal but usually erect arising from a creeping hydrorhiza. Erect colonies sparingly and irregularly branched; hydrocaulus monosiphonic, nearly straight to somewhat zigzag, divided internodes at more or less regular intervals. All internodes except terminal ones with an apophysis given off adjacent to base of hydrothecal pedicel. Pedicels of varied length, are grooved or annulated throughout, in the middle, or on both ends of the pedicel. Hydrothecae cone-shaped with 11-16 sharp, pointy teeth. Teeth separated by well formed U-shaped incisions.


Somewhat translucent to brown or tan

Habitat & Depth

Attach to a variety of substrates including pilings, rocks, ledges, and other seaweeds. Shallow intertidal, to deeper reefs.

Distribution at GRNMS

Occasional. More common in shallow water. Found attached to other seaweeds like Sargassum or rocks.

Geographic Range

Wide Circumtropical distribution. Eastern and Western Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans

Behavior & Notes

Gonophores form free medusae.


Clytia cylindrica (Agassiz, 1862)


Calder 1991