
Clibanarius vittatus

(Striped Hermit Crab)


Carapace Width: 15cm (6") Carapace Length: 18cm (7")

Recognition Characters

Anterior shield of carapace is subquadrate, distinct groove behind anterior margin, few tufts of hairs along lateral margin. Rostrum acute triangular, slightly more prominent than lateral projections. Eyestalks are as long as width of shield, nearly cylindrical. Antennal peduncles reaching to at least 3/4 length of eyestalks with 3 to 5 spines on inner margin. Chelipeds are equal, sparsely hairy, hands thick, inflated, twice as long as broad. Walking legs (legs 2 and 3) exceeding chelipeds by over half length of dactyls.


Greenish to dark brown with longitudinal stripes of gray to white. Antenullar peduncles are light above, dark laterally, with orange flagella. Tubercles on chelae bluish white.

Habitat & Depth

Harbor beaches, borders of mudflats, and rock jetties. Shallow water to 22m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. Inhabits a variety of gastropod shells. May be more common in shallow water.

Geographic Range

Virginia south to Brazil. Texas and Mexico

Behavior & Notes



Williams 1984