
Coscinoderma lanuga

(White Mound Sponge)

1. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

2. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

3. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)


Colony height: Reaching 30cm (12"). Colony width: 45cm (18")

Recognition Characters

This sponge forms large, massive colonies with irregular lobate masses. The surface is slightly hispid with projecting fibers. It possess a tough outer cortex. The oscules are conspicuous, large, orientated on the dorsal portions of the masses and can be up to 0.5cm (0.25") in diameter. Aspiculate.


Exterior creamy white, interior tan

Habitat & Depth

Grow on the tops of ledges and rocky outcroppings. To 30m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Sponge grows on the tops of ledges.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to Florida

Behavior & Notes



Wells et al. 1960, Sterrer 1986