
Muraena retifera

(Reticulate Moray)

1. In situ (Danny Gleason)

2. In situ (Danny Gleason)

3. Out of water (Steve Vives)

4. Out of Water - Reticulated moray, Muraena retifera, is pictured below ocellated moray, Gymnothorax saxicola (Steve Vives)


Maximum size 90cm (3')

Recognition Characters

Rear nostril tubular with raised rim; black spot on gill opening; posterior to gill, light spots organized into rosettes that are loosely arranged in a hexagonal packing arrangement; spots from the eye to just anterior of gill opening can take a lined appearance; fins with pale edges.


Body background color is brown to dark brown; reticulated pattern of lighter spots on darker background.

Habitat & Depth

Mid-shelf depths; holes and crevices in reefs during day.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Found in holes and crevices in reef.

Geographic Range

New England to Florida to Gulf of Mexico; also taken in Bay of Campeche, Mexico, and off northern Venezuela; also present off Brazil

Behavior & Notes

Nocturnal predator; during the day it occupies holes and crevices

