
Arca zebra

(Turkey Wing)

1. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)

2. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)

3. Out of water (Rob Ruzicka)


Shell length: 7.5cm (3")

Recognition Characters

Hinge of this bivalve is very straight. Outside of shell is well grooved with conspicuous diagonal zebra stripes. Anterior end of shell is formed by two round ridges.


Brown to grayish brown

Habitat & Depth

Attach to ledges, rocky outcroppings and hard bottoms.

Distribution at GRNMS

Abundant. Attached firmly within crevices of rocks and ledges.

Geographic Range

South Carolina, Georgia, Florida

Behavior & Notes

Uses byssus thread to attach to rock or coral. Can often be seen closing their shell making the reef appear to "move". Well camouflaged by a variety of encrusting organisms.



Rupper and Fox 1988