
Pilumnus floridanus


Carapace Length: 1cm (0.4") Carapace Width: 1.25cm (0.5")

Recognition Characters

Carapace is covered with dense, short pubescence hairs thinning behind, and longer clavate hairs on carapace, cheliped, and legs. Antilateral margin has four spines. Orbital margin is essentially unarmed unlike Pilumnus sayi.


Tannish brown to brownish gray. Fingers of chelipeds are dark brown to black.

Habitat & Depth

Can be found intertidally on rocks, jetties, and piers. Offshore the crab inhabits sponges and corals on reefs. To 146m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. Only caught in constructed pvc fishtraps.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to Brazil. Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico

Behavior & Notes



Williams 1984